We have seen a major change in customer service back in the decades and now. Earlier, brands only needed to focus on lower prices and best-quality products, as the advertisements for the products were based on tangible benefits and were compared with the other brand’s quality.
But, with the changing era, there has been a change noticed in this too. Advertisements nowadays are more consumer-oriented, focusing more on customer experiences and results. The reason behind this can be the increased emphasis on customer experience.
The quality and price, customer service, and experience are also added to the list, making it more efficient. The four important stats that the customer must be aware of are:
- High-Quality Customer Service Importance:
According to the studies, 90% of Americans decide whether to go for the company or not for the business based on their customer service leads. Many companies have also revealed that investing in new leads and customers is around 5–25 times more expensive than retaining the old ones for repeated orders.
58% of average Americans switch brands or companies due to poor customer service. 89% of the total customers, when positively responded to by customer service executives, are likely to place a repeat order with the brand.
- The Power of Positive Customer Service:
Even if the company has made a mistake and has good customer service, on average, 78% ignore the mistakes and repeat the order. All three out of five customers have said that loyalty to the brand is increased by positive customer service.
Recommendations over customer service also impact a lot, as 38% of the customers who rate the company as good are likely to recommend it to others.
What are the facts behind the UPI customer care number?
After revealing the stats about the positivity of customer care numbers, also explore some of them related to the UPI apps.
34% of UPI apps’ total users are likely to call the UPI Customer Care Number to get assistance, be it regarding the procedures or about the payments.