Getting your furnace ready for the winter season is an essential task if you want to keep your family warm and comfortable throughout the coldest months. There are several things you can do to make sure your furnace is in top condition for the long haul.
Change your furnace filters.
When the seasons change, your furnace air filters need to be changed too. A clean furnace air filter is essential to the proper functioning of your heating system. By changing your air filters before winter, you can ensure that you’ll be ready for the cold days ahead.
Check the thermostat.
Make sure your furnace is in good working condition for the winter by checking the thermostat. Remember to turn it down before you leave for work and turn it up when you get home. If you have an older thermostat, an electrician can upgrade to a programmable one at a minimum cost and ease your worries all winter long.
Clean your air ducts.
Cleaning your air ducts is an important part of preparing your heating system for the winter. Dirt and dust from the furnace and return vents can potentially damage the system and cause a loss of efficiency, wasting both energy and money. Over time, a dirty furnace filter can even start to smell.
Seal air leaks
When cold weather is coming soon, it’s time to start preparing your furnace properly so that it will run efficiently all winter long. The air leaks found around your home are one of the main causes of heat loss during the cold months, so sealing them is extremely important.
Hire a professional furnace contractor today.
The easiest way to keep your heating system running efficiently is to have an annual service performed by an accredited professional. Choosing to have your heating system serviced annually will help your home remain comfortable, prevent breakdowns, and reduce utility costs.